[BITList] bankrupt!

Malcolm malcena2 at uwclub.net
Wed Sep 5 16:43:35 BST 2012



Actually I think that most folk are very worried by the way things are
going. It seems to be, that all the parties are more of less the same now a





From: bitlist-bounces at lists.bcn.mythic-beasts.com
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Sent: 04 September 2012 18:04
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Subject: [BITList] bankrupt!




bankrupt - it's a bit late now!

what alternative is the guvmint putting forth? or are folks saying,
'ok.minister - no NHS and no pension is fine with me'!


I fear that the uk is edging towards [if not already there] the US system of
"alles"profit uber".   there is an elite pan atlantic club for politicians
where right wing US and UK politicians compare notes in the thatcher/reagan
vein, the main purpose is to find the best methods of nest feathering and
fucking the public. 

thatcher loved reagan's ideas and embraced his saying, 'government is not
the solution to our problems, government is the problem'.


call me old fashioned, but I personally still believe the little people will
continue to need healthcare and someway of sustaining themselves when they
are 65-70 plus or can no longer work. 

No doubt this is very inconvenient for multi-millionaires and the
politicians they pay off, it completely spoils profit uber alles. 

some time ago the senator for louisiana john breaux said, 'my vote cannot be
bought, but it can be rented'!   it should be brought up to date - I'll do
anything for the highest bidder'.








From: Malcolm <mailto:malcena2 at uwclub.net>  

Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2012 10:33 AM

To: 'BitList' <mailto:bitlist at lists.bcn.mythic-beasts.com>  

Subject: Re: [BITList] Fwd: We should tune in to the Romney and Ryan



Since the end of the war Britain has been running the service, that everyone
pays an amount of their wages into a fund throughout their working lives. In
the belief that they will have free health care for the rest of their lives.

However the present government are telling us that we cannot carry on like
this because that it will bankrupt the country. I thought that we were
already bankrupt.


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