[BITList] Green thing

franka franka at iinet.net.au
Thu Aug 4 11:03:53 BST 2011

While living in Taiwan we had a bit of a party to which a couple of 
American family's were invited  when I asked one of wives what she would 
like to drink she said that she would have a soda to which I had to 
reply that I didn't have any so she settled for a orange juice, when I 
brought a rum and coke for a person sat near her she looked up and asked 
if she had upset me in some way I assured her that this was not the case 
and queried why she would think this to which she replied that when she 
had asked for a soda I had told her that I didn't have any but that I 
had just served another person with a coke turned out that in my 
ignorance I hadnt known that all carbonated soft drinks were know as 
soda in the states, This was followed up a few days later by my children 
thinking that the macaroni salad served at an American bbq was desert, 
it was a long 5 years

On 8/4/2011 4:40 PM, HUGH wrote:
> Frank,
> All true in my experience, apart from:
> << "Back then, we had one TV, or radio, in the house -- not a TV in 
> every room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a handkerchief 
> (remember them?), not a screen the size of the state of Montana."
> My granny had a radio, a big Phillips. Someone up our close had a 
> radio, for I could hear it when I was in bed. What's a TV?
> << "We drank from a fountain when we were thirsty instead of using a 
> cup or a plastic bottle every time we had a drink of water."
> My great aunt had a shop, so sometimes I could get a bottle of 
> "lemonade". A relation over from the US a few years back asked in a 
> shop here for a bottle of lemonade. "What kind do you want", she was 
> asked. "What kinds have you got?" she asked.  "We've got orange, cola, 
> Irn Bru, lemonade, cream soda, .... ." Often we drank from the burn, 
> but there were plenty of springs with a cast iron drinking cup on a 
> chain nearby.
> << "We refilled writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen, and 
> we replaced the razor blades in a razor instead of throwing away the 
> whole razor just because the blade got dull."
> I saw my first fountain pen in 1945, when my dad came home from India. 
> It was a Watermans. Our children called them "ink biros".  In school 
> we used a "dip in" pen with ink that left a sludge in the bottom of 
> the inkwell.  At home we used pencils.  We were too young to shave.
> << "We had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire bank of 
> sockets to power a dozen appliances. And we didn't need a computerized 
> gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 2,000 miles out in 
> space in order to find the nearest pizza joint."
> Our school had electricity. We had gas mantles and candles.  As my 
> wife often tells me, she had not only electricity, but a bath.  Our 
> nearest pizza joint would have been in Italy, I guess.
> Hugh.
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