[BITList] more on books

HUGH chakdara at btinternet.com
Mon Sep 13 20:27:21 BST 2010


I like to read in bed, in the garden, on a train, in the kitchen, and none of these can be done via my computer, or any approximation thereto.  To me, a computer is a mere tool, though I admit it's got pretty pictures, etc.  Some years ago I developed a repetitive strain injury in my right wrist - right forearm stopped working (it got sore a few days later).  I knew what to do, since this can happen playing the guitar, and the books warn about it : stop playing immediately and rest the arm.  When it happened, I was trying desperately (at the last minute) to edit a very long essay down to 3,500 words.  I swapped the mouse buttons over, and used my left hand on it, and got the job done. And also the old crick in the neck comes back now and then.  None of these things ever trouble me when I'm reading a book, and I can even read in the dark with a torch.  I've a full set of Dickens behind me here.  I like to read A Christmas Carol in bed around Christmas in instalments.  I could not get the atmosphere sitting here, or even sitting up in bed with a laptop.

Probably the single biggest problem I find with long texts on a computer is that I can't read them the way I read a book.  I tend to float my eyes over the page, whereas with computer text I find I can't do that.  So, I'll stick to books unless they become illegal.

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