[BITList] mad max

s14engine s14engine at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 5 15:37:55 GMT 2009

just another one of the perks of the job........................

no wonder we can't winkle them out................................


PS  this writer calls it, "a romantic relationship" - there are other names.

ChattahBox) - Senator Max Baucus is taking some heat after a spokesman disclosed he was in a romantic relationship with a woman he nominated for U.S. attorney. The Montana Democrat who is the chairman of the powerful  Senate Finance Committee  was romantically involved with Melodee Hanes, his state director, when he recommended that the White House consider her and two other names for the U.S. attorney post her earlier this year to become the next U.S. attorney for Montana.
Baucus spokesman, Tyler Matsdorf, said said Ms. Hanes was recommended for the United States attorney position solely on the basis of her credentials, but withdrew in consideration of their romance:
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