[BITList] Fw: Rememberance Day

David Harvey bison at iinet.net.au
Sun Nov 9 01:19:01 GMT 2008

---- Original Message ----- 

  OK Ronald, and I am not being sarcastic or a smart-ass. but what are you going to do about it? Here in Western Australia, every individual organisation, be it regimental, ship association, air force theatre, submarines etc., including the Merchant Navy make their own arrangements, then liase with the organizers, in this case, the Returned Serviceman's League, and you are allocated a space in the parade.  If no one organises it, then no one appears. 

  In Perth there is always a space allocated to the MN but if no one rolls up, there ain't a MN section. In Fremantle the Company of Master Mariners does the organising. Then anyone who appears on the day, be it stokers, pursers, engineers, AB's or whatever, falls into that section. The Company also liases with the church, Mission, Navy and Sea Scouts for the Annual Seafarers Service and certain members are detailed to carry the sextant, log and leadline at the service and also to read the lesson. Its up to US, the Merchant Navy, to ensure we are represented. After the Service we adjourn to the Mission for lunch and other refreshment. (I must admit though I haven't been attending for a number of years)

  Even in little old St. Helens on Tasmania's East Coast where I was the only MN bloke in town (apart from the fishermen who were ex-servicemen anyway), I made sure the MN was represented, with the assistance of the local Sea Scouts. And I did the same in Broome, but there were more MN there.

  If we don't do it, no one else will, and we owe it to those men and women of the MN who made that sacrifice to make sure they are remembered.

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