[BITList] From another Forum...

John Feltham wantok at me.com
Thu Oct 6 15:42:24 BST 2016

The use of proper English!

From a correspondent…

I laughed my socks off when I read your post. When doing basic training at RAF Bridgenorth, we were learning rifle drill and I dropped my rifle with a clatter. This drew the attention of drill instructor Cpl Mitchel (bar steward) who came rushing round to me screaming, “What have you done you idiot” 

"I dropped my gun Corporal," said I sheepishly. 

“Dropped your effing gun, dropped your effing gun?" screamed he. We don't use guns in this bleeding airforce, we use rifles, what do we use?

"Rifles, corporal." 

By this time his false teeth were half way out of his mouth, gathering them back to where they belonged, he then continued, “Drop your RIFLE again and I will back flight you so far, you will be doing RIFLE drill with a bow and arrow”. 

He then made me go through what you have described standing in front of "B" flight for ten minutes, before returning me to the drill.

And this is what was described previously!

If you referred to your rifle as your gun, you were made to stand in front of the Squadron holding your rifle in the air with one hand and holding your dick with the other and repeating, with gesticulations. “This is my rifle, this is my gun, this is for firing and this is for fun". 

Only happened to me once. 

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