FS franka at iinet.net.au
Mon Mar 4 12:07:35 GMT 2013

as John pointed out they are really called cattle grids which are used 
instead of installing gates across roads, as you most likely know the 
entrance roads to the stations from the public roads run for miles and 
fences run up on both sides of the grids so the cattle cant just walk 
around them, mind you sheep are so stupid that they will occasionally 
get spooked onto the grids where they die because they wont back of the 
grid even when not caught.  The stations are so big that until muster 
time the owners only have a general idea where the cattle are which is 
why they use helicopters and trail bikes to muster them as basically 
they just run wild with the jack or jillaroos (station hands) more often 
girls nowadays riding the fence line and making sure the water mills are 
working ok. The smaller dairy herds of course are kept in much the same 
way as the large European farms

On 3/4/2013 6:10 PM, HUGH wrote:
> Frank,
> Do Aussie cattle walk along the roads? Are Aussie cattle too dumb to 
> walk round the guards?
> Hugh.

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