FA franka at iinet.net.au
Sat Jul 20 15:30:37 BST 2013

I like kippers and while looking though the cool room on a American rig 
I found a small wooden box unopened of kippers, so I had the cook give 
me a couple for breakfast after explaining how I wanted them cooked, I 
was tucking into them when some of the Americans came in to eat and 
complained of the smell in the mess when they traced the smell to my 
plate they couldn't believe anyone could eat something that smelt like 
that, I didn't tell them how good they tasted so never had to share the 
rest of the box needless to say a replacement box was never purchased

On 7/20/2013 5:49 PM, HUGH wrote:
> Frank,
> One hot summer, much like the one we're having now, Kincaid's DO 
> knocked off for the summer break (the Greenock Fair). We, being 
> thoughtless lads, thought it fun to nail a kipper to the underside of 
> a drawing board. I can't recall whose, nor can I recollect the aftermath.
> Hugh.

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