[BITList] Fwd: McReds under the bed, the view from Chicago

M.j. Feltham ismay at mjfeltham.plus.com
Sun Aug 25 23:09:07 BST 2013


I'm glad she is not a subscriber to the BITList !


Begin forwarded message:

> From: "HUGH" <chakdara at btinternet.com>
> Subject: [BITList] McReds under the bed, the view from Chicago
> Date: 25 August 2013 22:39:05 BST
> To: "BitList" <bitlist at lists.bcn.mythic-beasts.com>
> Reply-To: BitList <bitlist at lists.bcn.mythic-beasts.com>
> From today's Sunday Herald.
> Mona Charen, used to write speeches for Ronald Reagan, now a "conservative" writer for the Chicago Sun-Times, visited the Edinburgh Fringe and was shocked to the core.  She wrote that her visit (I quote), "was enough to bury images of thistles and bagpipes very deep .... we have come along way from the bonnie, bonnie banks of Loch Lomand [sic]".
> She was offended by some plays on view, finding them repellent. Not that she actually saw them .... "Just based on the descriptions in the paper, many of the offerings were repellent."
> She goes on, "The leftist tripe and cultural waste [the Scots are] enjoying is available in every Western capital .... the difference, while there still is one, is that the relentless leftism goes almost entirely unrebutted in Scotland."
> She says Scotland's parliament is dominated by parties [sic] of the left, eg, the Scottish National Party, which favours 'free' education through university, unilateral nuclear disarmament, steeply progressive taxation and the 'eradication' of poverty [her quotes].  She reckons Scotland is dip-dyed in socialism.
> I feel I should apologise to her and get out lots of heather, tartan, bagpipes (and pipers), shortbread, haggis, cullen skink and portraits of Rabbie Burns, all displayed along the bonnie, bonnie banks, for her next visit.
> Hugh.

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