[BITList] Linguist List Issue: New Concordance from Computational Linguistics Lab

John Feltham wulguru.wantok at gmail.com
Sun May 1 08:43:05 BST 2011

Just for you Hugh,

Go for it....


Begin forwarded message:

Message1: New Concordance from Computational Linguistics Lab
LINGUIST List issue http://linguistlist.org/issues/22/22-1867.html

The Computational Linguistics Laboratory at Katanov State University of
Khakasia (CLL at KSU) is pleased to announce the release of a new version
of Linguistic Toolbox  - a concordance that differs from existing analogues
in the following respects:

- It has an integrated part-of-speech tagger thus allowing the user to
create his/her own annotated corpora. Profound linguistic research is often
based on a specific text genre (e.g. fiction, scientific text), linguistic
category (e.g. possession), or works of a particular author (e.g. Maugham).
Publicly available annotated national corpora with evenly distributed
genres often fail to meet the demands of such research and LIT has been
designed to fill this gap. By means of LIT the user can conduct various
searches on his/her own corpora and get statistical information on
distribution of various words, patterns, and phrases.

- LIT has an integrated WordNet module by means of which the user can
search not only for a given word but also for words semantically related to 
The new version of LIT has a much simpler interface and works much faster.
LIT is distributed as freeware and can be downloaded from the CLL's site at
http://vetsky.narod.ru/CLL.html. The current version supports English and
works on Windows machines.

Other software available for download:

- Y-Stemmer - a program that allows the user getting stems of words in the
input text;
- Star-Tagger - a program that annotates input text with parts-of-speech 
- TF*IDF Ranker - a program that computes weights for terms in the input 
- UNIS Summarizer - a system recognizes input text genre and uses
summarization algorithms optimized for the given text genre.

All these programs can process English texts on Windows machines. They are
distributed as free-ware.

Linguistic Field(s): Text/Corpus Linguistics

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