[BITList] york

franka franka at iinet.net.au
Sat Mar 26 05:42:02 GMT 2011

My wife and I did a trip to the UK about15 years ago and stayed over in 
York for a couple of days one of the things that she found was the 
Viking village the found whilst digging the foundations for a 
supermarket, one goes down a lift then board a small open unmanned train 
carriage which wends it way though this small village complete with farm 
yards people speaking in tongues and it even recreates the smells of the 
piggery's etc. funny how wives manage to find these things when I was 
supposed to be the one showing her around the UK. shes 7th generation 
Australian, York is certainly one of the most facinating places I been 
to, but when I was in the middle east talking to people out from the UK 
they told me that the crime rate is quite high there now, cant say we 
noticed any though

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