[BITList] federal debt commission

s14engine s14engine at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 26 18:50:35 GMT 2010

well done senate

we don't need no stinking federal debt commission -- come on america, spend,  spend, spend.....................................

then, our course will be completely sustainable.

as long as there is paper and ink, we'll never run out of spending money.

urgent priority - nonsense [must be nonsense if the senate says 'no'.]


Senate says 'no' to federal debt commission Obama endorsed
By David Lightman
McClatchy Newspapers
WASHINGTON - The Senate Tuesday rejected a plan to create a tough, powerful commission to recommend ways of slashing the federal debt, but the close vote made it clear that tackling the problem is an urgent priority.

"We are on an utterly unsustainable course," said Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, D-N.D. "Trying what we've been doing is a proven failure."

Though the vote to approve the commission plan was 53 to 46, it failed because under Senate rules, 60 votes were needed for passage. 
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