[BITList] US remains in the dark ages.

HUGH chakdara at btinternet.com
Sun Sep 13 07:33:17 BST 2009

Mike, Colin,

So only 34% of people in the US accept evolution?  Given 82.16% of statistics are made up on the spot, that leaves 6.7% who could be telling the truth, or not.  Some hard research needs to be done into why there is evidently a mass regression into idiocy over there, lest they descend on the rest of us a-burning at the stake, or the modern equivalent.  However, words like plank, eye and mote come to mind.  A few weeks back, Glasgow City Council reversed a ban on the showing of the film Life of Brian, to allow it to be shown as part of a festival.  "We'd forgotten we had banned it," was roughly the sort of thing we heard from them.  All I'll say for them is that they at least saw it before banning it, unlike the religious right who slavered against it from a distance. Until I started this e-mail I was swithering about going to church this morning, being currently a bit sick of attitudes in the Church of Scotland to this and that.  I think I'll not bother shaving, and stay at home.

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