[BITList] Fwd: [INDIA-BRITISH-RAJ] 'The Scotsman' newspaper archive reduced subscription

John Feltham wulguru.wantok at gmail.com
Sun Jul 5 13:35:40 BST 2009

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Ruth in Brum" <Ruth at brum38.fsnet.co.uk>
Date: 5 July 2009 6:04:46 PM
To: <india-british-raj at rootsweb.com>
Subject: [INDIA-BRITISH-RAJ] 'The Scotsman' newspaper archive reduced  
Reply-To: india-british-raj at rootsweb.com

For information:
Many of us have Scottish twigs who went to India and stayed there, but  
in touch with folks back home.

'The Scotsman' newspaper dates from 1817 and the archive has digitised  
issue from then up to 1950.  Many events in India were 'copied' to UK  
so perhaps you will find some interesting news with a free search.
Downloading page or part page images needs a subscription, so now  
might be a
good time to have a look because....

"To celebrate Homecoming Scotland 2009, we have a special offer on our
Digital Archive packages. Purchase one of our special half price
subscriptions during July and save up to £79.98. All subscription  
commence from the moment your payment is processed, with various price
points available to suit your needs."

I've used the archive in the past when there was a special offer like  
and although it's fiddly and can miss names because the program is  
print type that has faded in places, it's worth a look. You cannot  
read the
entry without paying, but you do get a list of possible 'hits' with  
the free
search. There is no limit as far as I know to the number of searches  
you can
do, apart from the problem of crossed eyes....
I haven't figured out how to save the images, so I tend to print out the
ones of interest and then scan them later to save on the computer.

Have a look by following this link:

Offer ends on the 31st of July. (I have no financial connection with the
archive - or any other lucrative concern, more's the pity!)

Ruth in Brum (Birmingham, England.)

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Bad typists of the word, untie.

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