[BITList] Amazons !

Michael Feltham mj.feltham at madasafish.com
Fri Jan 23 20:47:00 GMT 2009


Have just been going through my Mail and reducing the No..  I came  
across yours of the 17 Nov.08 re the ladies of the Newark Sailcloth  
Co.  It reminded me of the stories told of the Ladies working at  
Robertson's Marmalade factory of Dundee ?  They were apt to get out of  
hand if a man stumbled into their presence.  Then there was the story  
about a crew member of a nearby ship who noticed that the Ladies Loo  
projected over the sea.  He got underneath with a long handled paint  
striker and painted their bottoms with Bootttopping !  It's horrible  
stuff to get off !


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