[BITList] S'pore to Uk on the Nevassa and others....

John Feltham wulguru.wantok at gmail.com
Tue Dec 15 04:56:19 GMT 2009

http://www.users.waitrose.com/~g8jan/html files/return to the UK 1.html

and another bit from the RAF Forum...

As I have already said in this forum I went out to Singapore on the Devonshire and back on the good ship Nevasa. I may even have told you this so forgive me if I tell you again---
On the way out I sent a postcard of the Devonshire to my Father from Ceylon. 40 or so years later I bought a postcard from a bootsale at Foxhall near Ipswich and it was the same postcard that I had sent to my Father in 1957 with my writing on the back. Needless to say it is now a prize possession.


Came Back home from Hong Kong on the Nevasa in December 1956, stopped at Singapore, Durban, Las Palmas, finally Southampton 5th 0r 6th January 1957. Great ship although sleeping was like being the filling in a hot dog, Beat the Lancashire that took me out in Jan 54. I was sea sick in the Mersey on that one. Anyone remember the captain's name?




Hey! I remember HMT Nevasa. Sailed on her in 1959 to Colomco en-route to Gan. Had a great time on board, apart from crossing the Bay of Biscay. I was duty Night NCO for that crossing and there were guys laying all over the place having p----d it up all evening then heaved it up before bed which most of 'em never got to, spent most of their night head down in the toilet pan.
We had one guy in the brig, a smartass who thought the rules weren't meant for him. Boy! Was he a mess. I still cannot understand why I got through that night unscathed. I am amongst the worlds worst sailors, hence I joined the RAF, but that night I hadn't a twinge.
Maybe it was all the effort I put into keeping an eye out for the rest and the fact that I had a great bunch of Gurkhas on duty with me. Wonderful guys, every last one.
The trip took six weeks and I enjoyed every minute of it including a visit to the engine room the day after I badly sunburned my legs falling asleep on deck. That was agony, but I daren't report sick. We live and learn. Happy days!


HMT Nevasa Nov. 1959 sailing through Suez. Everyone on deck enjoying the weather and the sights, including a bunch of service wives going out to join their husbands in Singapore and Hong Kong. We were sailing serenely along, I was looking to the stern when I heard a very audible gasp from the upper deck where all the wives were. Looking round I saw a sight I shall never forget. A party of local labourers were working on the far bank and one or two were scrabbling in the water. Suddenly one massive black man stood up, being in water only to his knees and stark naked. With a big grin on his face and raising both hands in the air he turned to face the ship and was so obviously proud of his manhood as he had every right to be. I hadn't a camera at the time but I woul;d bet even money there were one or two photgraphs taken. And I wonder how many of the wives on board had erotic dreams that night.



Bad typists of the word, untie.

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