[BITList] Fwd: [INDIA-BRITISH-RAJ] A good news - but ...

John Feltham wulguru.wantok at gmail.com
Mon Dec 14 13:21:37 GMT 2009

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Harshawardhan_Bosham Nimkhedkar" <bosham at gmail.com>
Date: 14 December 2009 5:35:34 PM AEST
To: <india-british-raj at rootsweb.com>
Subject: [INDIA-BRITISH-RAJ] A good news - but ...
Reply-To: india-british-raj at rootsweb.com

The good news is that another newspaper archive
of historical importance in now online. The sad or
bad thing is it's not free ...!   :-)

Monday 14th December 2009


The Daily Express online archive is a colossal project two
years in the making, comprising 1.7million newspaper pages
from every edition ever produced.

Just like its earliest self, the current day Daily Express is
at the forefront of modern technology. In putting these pages
online, it is unlocking the door to the past.

To read those old editions is to discover history in the making:
the great events of the 20th century including the abdication
crisis, the assassination of John F Kennedy, the first man on
the moon and the death of Princess Diana, all feature, written
by people who were there at the time for people who were there
at the time.

The archive will be of interest to everyone, from schools to historians
to the reader who wants to look up a particular event to see
how it was viewed at the time. It is a unique treasure trove
of stories and facts. YES, the history of the Express itself mirrors
the history of Britain in the 20th and early 21st centuries. [snip]


--- Harshawardhan_Bosham Nimkhedkar

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