[BITList] dumber than rocks?

realm33 at msn.com realm33 at msn.com
Mon Sep 22 13:29:57 BST 2008

FYI americans really are dumber than rocks...................

colin t

Yep, bet you feel warm and fuzzy, those slimes in Congress just added another $2.2 Trillion to the debt ceiling, your great, great, great grandchildren will pay for your apathy.... 

The billionaire bankers are ecstatic and thank you profusely.... Paulson says he is humbled by your generosity, as he gave up a $40+ million dollar per year job on wall street to take the $175,000 per year job as Secretary of the Treasury.  How patriotic of him, to be in a position to bail out his old buddies to the tune of TRILLIONS. (This bailout will possibly cost over $10 TRILLION, but apparently our perverted congress and the news media have not learned to add). 

Now the other corporations are lining up with lawsuits for their bailouts, Chrysler, Ford, GM, Delta, United, Etc, Etc., Etc.,  ..... 

Yes, Americans ARE dumber than rocks... 

Remember in November, CONGRESS and CONGRESS ALONE is responsible for this fiasco.
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