[BITList] I Have Questions!

FA franka_nbn at westnet.com.au
Sun Nov 4 11:05:11 GMT 2018

 From a ex  Regimental *Sergeant*-*Major* of the *SAS*
*THE CARAVAN OF <>Excreta*

The Hondurans in the caravan, the 7,000 people walking north to America, 
where do they go to the bathroom?

And eat and sleep and store their clothes?

And how is it that after a week on the road they are clean and their 
hair and clothes are well kept?

How is any of this possible?

And why do these people, supposedly fleeing intolerable conditions in 
their homeland, carry little flags from their homeland and break into 
its national anthem when the TV cameras show up?

And speaking of which, for oppressed people, they all seem to be pretty 
well fed, well groomed and well dressed. Their hair is neat and newly 
cut, their clothes are clean and in good repair, and they are built like 
people who have had ample nutrition all their lives, being well 
developed and, many of them, overweight.

And none of them look dirty or unkempt, like they had been sleeping on 
the ground for the last week.

There’s just nothing in any of this that makes sense.

Supposedly, these several thousand people spontaneously decided to leave 
Honduras, walking north in a group, hoping to trek the length of 
gang-plagued Mexico and present themselves as refugees and prospective 
Democrats at the American border.

Which, again, makes no sense whatsoever.

And leaves a lot of big questions unanswered, and ignored by the press. 
Such as, who organized this? Who is paying for it? How have they covered 
500 miles in a week?

Seriously. Any number of American “reporters” have walked beside a 
sympathetic walker and talked about how this particular woman and her 
children had trekked half a thousand miles over the last week or so.

That’s 71 miles a day.

The best soldiers through history have been able to march 25 miles a day.

How have 7,000 people been fed and watered? And how have they gone to 
the bathroom? If the average person across the world produces about a 
pound of solid waste a day, that means that these folks are somehow 
disposing of more than three tons of faeces each day.

That’s a heck of a lot of crap, even for a Central American roadway.

Provisioning such an army of people – the equivalent of 10 combat 
battalions in most of the world’s militaries – is a large task. 
Transporting and distributing the food and water necessary to keep those 
people moving is a massive chore which the press says nothing about.

The entire enterprise, as a spontaneous ad hoc event, is implausible.

As an orchestrated international attempt to influence an American 
election, it starts to make sense.

And ought to alarm us.

Unless it’s only Russians we don’t want screwing with our democracy.

Unfortunately, none of this has made the evening news. It’s almost as if 
the press, in whatever scheme is afoot, gladly accepts its role as 
propagandists to the American people.

Every story is sympathetic, as if an attempt to enlist viewers and 
readers in this caravan and the politics it symbolizes.

And so the story is not about an orchestrated attempt to manipulate 
electoral opinion and violate the borders and laws of the United States, 
it is about compassion and Trump and xenophobia and racism. It is the 
October surprise, it is the Blue Wave.

And it is all nonsense.

Because all of these people, if legitimate, have the ability to apply 
for American asylum in their own country – as do the residents of most 
nations of the world. We have consulates and embassies for a reason, and 
this is one of those reasons.

We also have laws and an oath of office for a reason.

Laws, so that “we the people” through our elected representatives 
clearly and systematically govern our society. Law is the means by which 
the people express and exercise their sovereignty. Disobedience to law 
is disobedience to the will of the people, it is the subverting of their 
sovereignty and franchise.

Breaking the law is denying you the vote. Your vote elects 
representatives – lets you pick the country’s direction – and the 
representatives write the law. If that law is ignored, your 
representation becomes meaningless.

You get screwed.

And the oath of office?

Members of Congress – even Democrats – swear an oath to “bear true faith 
and allegiance” to the Constitution, which establishes our system of 
laws and specifically charges the Congress with making the rules of 
naturalization and immigration.

Who comes across the border and under what conditions they can stay is a 
constitutional responsibility of the Congress. That is to be determined 
by a congressional vote, not by a Honduran mob.

Failure to insist on that – even for Democrats – is a violation of your 
congressman’s oath of office.

So there is not a Democrat or Republican response to this travelling 
army of invaders – there is only an American response.

And that is: Turn around and go home.

Because the law of the United States does not allow a mass entry like 
this. The law does not declare the borders open.

If Democrats and progressives don’t like that, they can try to change 
the law. If America’s progressives want open borders and believe all the 
world’s people have a right to live in the United States – as they say 
they do – then they should adjust immigration law accordingly.

But until then, if they are to keep their oaths of office, they must 
stand for the law and the border.

And they must tell their surrogates to turn around and go home.

Because this caravan is nothing more than a bunch of political shit.


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