[BITList] Clocks

michael J Feltham ismay at mjfeltham.plus.com
Sat May 5 09:37:56 BST 2018

> A fellow dies and arrives at the Gates of Heaven, where hes greeted by the On-duty Guardian Angel and invited into the Heaven Anteroom. He looks around and sees clocks covering the walls all around him.
> He asks the Guardian Angel, "What are all those clocks?" 
> The Guardian Angel answers, "Those are Lie-Detector Clocks. Everyone on Earth has a Lie-Detector Clock. Every time someone lies the hands on that persons clock the large hand will move ahead one second."
> "Oh," says the Fellow, "Whose clock is that?"  The Guardian Angel says "That's Moses' clock.
> The hands have never moved, indicating that he never told a lie."
> "Incredible," says the Fellow. "And whose clock is that one, the hand has only moved one second?"
> The Guardian Angel replies Thats Mother Teresas.
> Fellow notices another clock and asks, "Whose clock is that?"
> The Guardian Angel responds, "That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abe told only two lies in his entire life."
> The Fellow notices a clock with the time twenty past three, and asks "Whose clock is that? The Guardian Angel says "That's Tony Blair's clock. He told a lot of untruths concerning WMD in Iraq."
> Suddenly the Fellow notices a empty space on the wall where a clock is missing and asks  "Whose clock was in that space?"
> The Guardian Angel replies  Thats where Donald Trumps clock was. Its been such a warm summer St. Peter is using it as a fan on his office desk.

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