[BITList] Senator Canavan? Well really, he isn't one

John Feltham wantok at me.com
Thu Jul 27 08:05:35 BST 2017

G'day Folks,

From the tine that I heard the story I didn’t believe this man. Neither do a lot of other folk.

"When asked if parents could apply for Italian citizenship on behalf of their adult children, Sara Bucalossi, a visa procurement associate at Mazzeschi, one of Italy’s largest immigration law firms, said: “No – absolutely not.”

http://tinyurl.com/yd9x9jdw <http://tinyurl.com/yd9x9jdw>

If the other Australian Senators, that were seen to have dual citizenship have rightly resigned because - “Ignorance of the Law is no defence”, then Canavan should have done immediately.

That he hasn’t, is very concerning.

He is losing respect, rapidly.

And so is Malcom Turnbull for not asking him to resign.


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