[BITList] 10 things no one tells you before you become a wingsuit jumper

michael J Feltham ismay at mjfeltham.plus.com
Tue Feb 28 22:17:48 GMT 2017

> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/active/10-things-no-one-tells-become-wingsuit-jumper/ <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/active/10-things-no-one-tells-become-wingsuit-jumper/>
> 10 things no one tells you before you become a wingsuit jumper
> Fraser Corsan jumps in a specially designed wingsuit
> Wingsuit jumping is a sport that involves suspending yourself tens of thousands of feet up in the air as the Earth gradually rises up to meet you. As sports go, it’s a smidgen more intense than real tennis or boules.
> The suits themselves are made from highly durable fabrics which create as much surface area as possible, allowing the jumper to soar through the air before deploying a parachute and drifting slowly to the ground.
> It has a reputation for attracting daredevils <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/active/10736285/Why-wingsuit-flyers-wont-have-their-wings-clipped.html>, but most jumpers prefer seeking safety to courting danger. Fraser Corsan is a case in point. He's a former safety engineer who works in defence, and was one of only fifteen wingsuit pilots in the world when he started wingsuit jumping in 2001.
> He has since completed over 1,300 wingsuit jumps and spent over 56 hours in freefall. This May, he plans to  jump from over 40,000 feet (that's higher than a commercial plane normally flies), travel faster than 250 mph, cover 20 miles in distance and fly for over 10 minutes straight. If he succeeds, he’ll smash not one but four records which are split between FAI as the official ratifying body and Guinness, raising money for Armed Forces charity SSAFA in the process <https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/projectcirrus>.
> We caught up with Fraser to find out everything he's discovered so far in his airborne journey.
> Fraser Corsan in flight
> 1. You’ll fly faster than you thought possible
> "Typically we fly at about 120 - 140mph. When we’re going for the record speeds we are effectively diving the suit to an angle of about 45 degrees. I’ve done a lot of jumps, but when you’re shooting across the sky at over 200 mph, it’s pretty mind blowing stuff."
> 2. The best bits are the most beautiful
> "You still get the adrenaline, that still kicks in every time you jump, but for me the highlight is the visual. I’ve jumped with a space shuttle launching behind me on my birthday many years ago and that was humbling. I did another jump in New Zealand over mountains in snow where I ended up flying over forests, back over valleys, and deploying next to a lake. That was just simply beautiful. I’ve also been flying with friends, 27 of us jumping out the back of a Hercules <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_C-130_Hercules> in Sweden, all grinning to each other and flying like a flock of birds.
> "I remember the very first time we did something called XRW, or cross-relative work, where I was in freefall alongside someone who was under a very high performance canopy going at about 80 mph. That was pretty magical."
> 3. You train away the risks (but they never disappear completely)
> "A student of mine did a perfect jump but on his way to deployment he didn’t collapse his wings, which tips your head down and makes you dive radically just as you’re about to deploy which is obviously a very bad thing. This guy went downward, but he realised he’d made a mistake, he turned around, got his wings up, flew and he was fine.
> "You are always very aware of the risks and you make sure that you are current with all your safety drills and emergency procedures. It sounds really morbid but I look at every single incident report that goes out globally and go ‘Right, what would I have done differently? What should he have done?’
> "The suits are not very forgiving if you don’t fly them properly. When you deploy your parachute you've got to collapse that whole wing off. You’ve been pushing 140 mph wind on that wing. If you don’t do it symmetrically you can go into a spin or a dive.  
> "My last malfunction was in 2002. I had a line twist for no particular reason. It went up, I cut away and I got my reserve out and I was fine. I did six jumps the next day. You’ve got to get back on the horse."
> 4. You are not a BASE jumper
> "Everyone has seen the guys flying through trees down valleys on YouTube. It’s still wingsuit flying because it uses the same equipment but the problem is that if something goes wrong you have no margins. You have no altitude to recover in.
> Watch | BASE jumpers take dangerous leap from top of electric pole 00:54
> "I think that the perception of base jumping and skydiving has got mixed up. Skydiving and wingsuit jumping is generally very safe, there’s very clear legislation and training around it. There’s been about one wingsuit fatality in the last decade; with BASE there were thirty seven last year."
> 5. You’ll become your local gym’s resident spiderman
> "In training I do things like burpees and pull ups, and then use a TRX suspension training system <https://www.physique.co.uk/Rehabilitation-Exercise/Weights/Pro-Suspension-Trainer?gclid=CJD6tviIsdICFQ5mGwodmZABqg#fo_c=1025&fo_k=4b3651b9e33a8f89ff961d84615d50b0&fo_s=gplauk>. It’s like webbing. Normally people who use these they put two feet on the floor and they do a press up, it’s not fixed so you have to use your core strength to balance yourself. I have four of these and I have my feet off the ground and my arms off the ground and I do press ups in the air."
> Fraser waits as a plane carries him to the designated departure point
> 6. You'll be supported by complex safety systems
> "If we come off Oxygen at 40,000ft our time of useful consciousness is 5-8 seconds; it is called becoming hypoxic. It can be impacted by weight and nutrition, dehydration, age and if you smoke. So if you’re a fat old smoker who’s dehydrated, you’re in trouble.
> "We have specialist oxygen systems. I have an oxygen bottle on me that is mounted on the side of the parachute container that holds 45 minutes of oxygen at 6,000 pounds per square inch. I have a small bomb on the side of me, effectively. Fortunately it’s proven and safe.
> "If I did lose consciousness in freefall, my automatic activation device would fire off my reserve parachute at a certain altitude. There’s a bunch of safety systems behind the records which people won’t actually be aware of."
> 7. You’ll learn how to deploy a parachute with frozen hands
> "Whilst I’m flying I’m very aware of any icing that’s occurring. I’ve got to have my hands dextrous so I’ll do a series of dexterity checks throughout the flight. I’ve also got lithium ion battery heated gloves, because it’s -50° to -70° that we’re going to be enduring.
> "I jumped from 30,000 feet a few years back, I didn’t have battery heated gloves and my hands froze. I physically couldn’t feel anything beyond my wrists. I deployed safely because I could move my hands but it was muscle memory. That’s why we train so hard. I had an automatic activation device, so worst case scenario I could have collapsed my wings and literally let myself fall to the ground, but that’s an absolute last gasp; I don’t want to be relying on the systems."
> 8. Aeroplanes will get out of your way
> "For the world record I will be picking a point on the horizon and flying towards it, but we also have a direct angle that we have approved with the Federal Aviation Authority. I will be jumping higher than commercial airliners, so they have to get out the way. I have what’s called a Class A Airspace Clearance which means they will have cleared a corridor for us and will be diverting commercial airliners around me. They can’t go over me because they don’t go that high, which is a bit surreal.
> This why it is a really good idea to have your airspace cleared from all aircraft, especially large commercial jets! We have our clearances.
> — Fraser Corsan (@frasercorsan) 6:11 PM - 24 Jan 2017 <https://twitter.com/frasercorsan/status/823956314867068929>
> "There will be a few people who will be flying parallel to the corridor I’m flying in. So I don’t think they’ll look out the window and see me flying along, but the potential’s there. I’ve seen aircraft in flight before; I once tracked a light aircraft and overtook it at about 2,000 feet above it. That was quite fun."
> 9. You’ll break world records, only to have them broken by someone else
> "Someone will come along and break the record. I’ve done records before and eighteen months down the line they may well be broken, but we are pushing the limit into an area in the altitude levels that are going to be very hard to beat.
> "Fundamentally up at that level it’s a very difficult space. It’s -70°  you’ve got 14pc ambient pressure, low oxygen, high risk of hypoxia. We’ve got access to equipment that the general civilian public would not normally have access to, because of my defence contacts who’ve been fantastic."
> Fraser sits in a Fujitsu wingsuit
> 10. Most importantly, you’ll need deep reserves of patience and a level head
> "The sport can attract people who are quite egotistic; they tend to have gone into the sport for the wrong reasons and tend not to stay for very long. To jump in England you’ve got to be really persistent. Sometimes it can take months to get the right weather for the first jump. It took me nine months to get my first jump because the weather was useless. You’ve got to do a minimum of 200 freefalls in the last 18 month period or 500 jumps total before you can do a wingsuit jump and then to fly the kind of wingsuits I’m flying you have to do a minimum of 250 wingsuit jumps. That’s the minimum.
> "You’ve got to have a degree of perseverance. It’s the oldest dream, flight."
> Fujitsu is proud to be sponsoring Fraser’s ‘Project Cirrus’ challenge in aid of SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity. Visit projectcirrus.com <http://projectcirrus.com/> for more information and to donate – all donations go directly to SSAFA.
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