[BITList] Americans from Evening Standard

Michael Feltham ismay at mjfeltham.plus.com
Thu Sep 1 23:20:29 BST 2016

US Embassy staff crease up at cricket

The US Embassy may be moving to Nine Elms, closer to  The Oval, but that doesn’t mean the Yanks have a grasp on our most civilised sport. The US ambassador Matthew Barzun has just shared a video of his staff trying to decipher the game’s slang, and it’s rather a sticky wicket. 

“Is ‘duck’ what you do when the ball is coming straight for your head?” asks one man on the YouTube video, before wondering if   “Howzat” is how we Brits say “How did that go?” in a New York accent. 

They do agree, though, that “stumped” “describes the feeling of an American trying to understand cricket”. No balls all round.

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