[BITList] This is from "The Beast"

Michael Feltham ismay at mjfeltham.plus.com
Fri Feb 26 16:20:51 GMT 2016

TEXAS DEAN LEAVES OVER CAMPUS GUN LAW <http://elink.thedailybeast.com/click/6182543.31307/aHR0cDovL3d3dy50aGVkYWlseWJlYXN0LmNvbS9jaGVhdHMvMjAxNi8wMi8yNS90ZXhhcy1kZWFuLWxlYXZlcy1vdmVyLWNhbXB1cy1jYXJyeS1sYXcuaHRtbD92aWE9bmV3c2xldHRlciZzb3VyY2U9Q1NBTWVkaXRpb24/5669455027fdb014688b4854B91447c57>
The dean of the architecture school at the University of Texas at Austin said he’s stepping down in the wake of a state law that allows people to carry concealed handguns inside college classrooms. Fritz Steiner said Thursday he “would have never applied for another job” if the Texas governor hadn’t signed a law that allows guns in the classroom. Though private universities can opt out of the new rule, which takes effect in August, public universities are required to enforce it. “I felt that I was going to be responsible for managing a law I didn’t believe in,” Steiner told the Texas Tribune. He will become dean of the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Design this summer.

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