[BITList] Suntory time: Japanese whisky named world's best in sourdram for Scotland | World news | theguardian.com

HUGH chakdara at btinternet.com
Tue Nov 4 21:19:48 GMT 2014


My saliva (like dogs') lacks salivary amylase, so I found out while doing a study of feedback for the OU, and some whiskies (and wines) tend to taste just like whisky (and wine) to me, so I can't challenge Jim Murray's findings on taste. In any case, even were I to have my amylase restored, no way could I afford all the samples - I simply note it's one man's opinion.  So, best single malt? Mebbes aye, mebbes naw. An interesting article though.

Feedback? I had the loan of a machine that displayed the progress of chemical reactions. A reagent was to be mixed with saliva and placed within it.  I got a flat line and (eventually) an empty reagent bottle.  Being an engineer, I only read the instructions carefully at that point. Along with an E for not writing up the failed test, I got the address of a group who were studying lack of salivary amylase. I wrote and they didn't reply. I gather salivary amylase plays a role in taste.


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