[BITList] Fw: Kiwi story

John Davison davison.g at xtra.co.nz
Mon Jan 6 08:11:01 GMT 2014


>>>>>>>Melbourne  Zoo had acquired a female of a very rare species of  gorilla. 
>>>>>>>Within  a few weeks, the gorilla became very cantankerous and difficult to  handle. 
>>>>>>>Upon  examination, the Zoo veterinarian determined the  problem. 
>>>>>>>The  Gorilla was on heat. 
>>>>>>>To  make matters worse, there were no male gorillas of the species  available. 
>>>>>>>While  reflecting on their problem, the Zoo management noticed Colin,  a 
>>>>>>>Big  Kiwi lad and a former All Black, responsible for fixing the Zoo's  machinery. 
>>>>>>>Colin,  like most Kiwis, seemed to be possessed with ample ability to  satisfy a female of any species. So the Zoo administrators thought  they might have a solution. 
>>>>>>>Colin  was approached with a proposition. Would he be willing to have sex  with the gorilla for $500? 
>>>>>>>Colin  showed some interest, but said he would have to think the matter  over carefully. 
>>>>>>>The  following day, Colin announced that he would accept their offer,  but only under three conditions: 
>>>>>>>"Fust,"  he said, "I don't want to have to kuss er." 
>>>>>>>"Sicondly,  you must niver niver tull anyone about thus." 
>>>>>>>The  Zoo administration quickly agreed to these conditions, so they  asked what his third condition was. 
>>>>>>>"Wull,"  said Colin, "You gotta give me another week to come up with the  $500. 
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