[BITList] Late Bookings for BI Reunion, 10 - 12th. October at Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool

Michael Feltham ismay at mjfeltham.plus.com
Mon Aug 18 13:41:35 BST 2014

If you would like to attend the Reunion, there are still vacancies.  If you haven’t got the Booking Form, pls phone Marie Hall on  0151 709-7200, Ext 766, at the Adelphi, the lady concerned will take Phone Bookings, just have your Debit/Credit Card at hand to pay the £35 Deposit.

Also, pls send a Cheque to me for £20 at 4B Ismay Drive, WALLASEY, CH44 0EU to cover the Expenses for the Reunion.  Couples that have already paid £40, will have £20 refunded when signing in.

Any questions, pls phone  0151 630 4338  or Mobile  07776 233253


Mike Feltham


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