[BITList] Rainbow mountains in China

FA franka at iinet.net.au
Mon Sep 2 01:56:06 BST 2013

They look like something out of a paint by numbers series

*Rainbow mountains in **China**

*Yes, we had a hard time believing that this insane mountain formation 
was actually real, because we haven't fallen down the rabbit hole. *

*But, believe it or not, this Technicolor range actually exists.*

rainbow mountains

rainbow mountains

*The mountains are part of the **Zhangye****Danxia****Land 
form****Geological****Park**in **China**. Layers of different colored 
sandstone and minerals *

*were **pressed together over 24 million years* 
then buckled up by tectonic plates, according to the Telegraph.*

rainbow mountains

There's a similar formation in British Columbiacalled the Rainbow Range 
from a mixture of volcanic rock and various minerals.*

rainbow mountains 

*The formations were shaped into the flowing valleys after thousands of 
years of rain and wind, and the region has been *

listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site 
<http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1335>*since 2010.*

rainbow mountains

rainbow mountains

rainbow mountains

rainbow mountains

rainbow mountains

rainbow mountains

rainbow mountains

rainbow mountains

rainbow mountains

*Absolutely beautiful and difficult to believe they are real*


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