x50type x50type at cox.net
Tue Nov 26 16:28:20 GMT 2013


Hugh read my thoughts back in August......................

Yet another load of tendentious crap about Is-effing-lam (John Davidson).  I'm pig sick of hearing and reading about it on the site. As with homosexuality, I'll get worked up about it if it ever becomes compulsory.  Yesterday I spent the afternoon chatting over a beer with an old friend - we worked together in Kincaids DO.  I meet Jimmy every couple of years - he lives in Newcastle. But somewhere along the line Jimmy has been caught up in the Islam thing, and he has chapter and verse about the problems thereby, quoting various, mostly right wing, commentators.  As diplomatically as I could, I steered the conversation away from religion. It gave me pause, but I enjoyed the beer.

The high lighting is mine. 

And to reiterate

It’s well known that muslims are taking over the world because of their staggeringly high birth rate.

It’s well known  that sharia law is taking hold everywhere.

It’s well known that muslim communities in UK refuse to integrate.

It’s well known that our very existence is threatened by islam.

To be forewarned is to be forearmed, so is there anything more to say or pix to see on the subject apropos this list? 

I’m pig sick of hearing and reading about it on this site. Not to fret - I am sure there are many other sites acquiescent.

As far as a right winger goes; isn’t this just a teensy-weensy bit right of center? it was sent by you this very day.

“You and your wife have certainly done your bit to try to keep Australia populated with white European stock. I take my hat off to you.”


From: Malcolm 
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 4:22 AM
To: 'BitList' 



Are you saying that the film of people having their heads cut open was staged by the right wingers. Or did it happen. The question was “would you like this to happen in your town”. I say No. Personally I think that the all of the European countries should say to any one who wants to live here will live as we do and follow our laws and customs.


And I am not a brainwashed minion. Or a Rigjhtwinger as people who have known me most of my life would tell you.




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