[BITList] Life in Louisiana [just don't be poor]

x50type x50type at cox.net
Sat Nov 2 16:05:19 GMT 2013

We have a second generation gentleman from India as governor of state of Louisiana, namely Piyush ‘Bobby’ Jindal.
One would presume that with his background he would have some interest and compassion for the poor of about the poorest state in the union.
Having successfully navigated to a better, richer life himself one would expect he would want the same for others!
Instead, he embraced the idea of virtuous self-reliance. In Jindal's world, the poor could improve their lives if only they would reject assistance and simply work harder. It's a creed that often infects people who are wealthy or who spend too much time among the wealthy. They begin to believe this lie: What separates the rich from the poor is their capacity for work.

It's a grotesque and cruel worldview, cloaked in the noble-sounding language of pluck and independence and distinguished by a steadfast belief in the inherent virtue of financial success.

And it's not merely the way Jindal views life; it's how he governs.

In April, Jindal wrote a column about why he refused federal funds to expand Medicaid. In the piece, he ridiculed the working poor, sneering, "Soon there will be more people riding in the cart than people pulling the cart." 

So much for the dignity of minimum-wage work. 

Do all Republicans belittle the working poor in this way? You bet they do.....but what they don’t realise is that they are heading that way too and have been for the last 30 years!


Bobby Jindal's poverty of compassion: Robert Mann

GGov. Bobby Jindal in a video, released by the Republican Governors Association, as part of a push by the group to educate voters on conservative policies at the state level ahead of a number of key elections next year. (Republican Governors Association) I've often wondered why Gov. Bobby Jindal is so apathetic about the plight of the working...

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