[BITList] America's Music Legacy, recorded 1983-85

M.j. Feltham ismay at mjfeltham.plus.com
Mon Mar 18 15:58:07 GMT 2013

17/03/13 - An interesting video sent to me by Barrie Marshall, is this one - Recorded 1983-85 and features performances by Woody Herman, Irma Thomas, Delia Reese, Teddy Buckner, New Orleans Jazz All-Star Band and many more. Blues and ragtime, along with a rich local brass band tradition and many other influences, came together in early 1900's in New Orleans, Louisiana to create a new type of music called Dixieland jazz, also known as traditional jazz or New Orleans jazz. As jazz gained in popularity, it spread north from New Orleans to Chicago, New York, Kansas City, and across the Midwest to California. The America's Music Legacy series was recorded 1983-85 and produced by 20TH Century Home Entertainment. It showcases the musical legends performing the songs that continue to attract and entice the whole world, because they truly are the best of all that is America. The program is hosted by Al Hirt and features performances by Woody Herman, Irma Thomas, Delia Reese, Teddy Buckner, New Orleans Jazz All-Star Band, and many more. You can see it on the news page at http://jazznorthwest.co.uk/tradjazz.htm
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