[BITList] days of yore

COLIN TAYLOR x50type at cox.net
Fri Mar 1 02:40:49 GMT 2013

Oh, sorry Malcolm,

I thought I read where you want to annihilate [start a crusade?] all the Muslims -  because Hitler wanted to do the same thing to Jews, to me there was a correlation.

Churchill has been quite rightly lauded in this thread, but you will recall in 1945 the British electorate didn’t want him as prime minister or his ‘Downton Abbey’ world of champagne and Cuban cigars; the masses didn’t want to return to the good old days of poverty and mass unemployment. His party, the Conservatives objected to the social reforms in the Beveridge Report and, as they do now and have always done, were not overly concerned about poverty and high unemployment.

As far as keeping the UK [or anywhere else for that matter] as it was before, it is not possible – tide and time wait for no man, but who doesn’t miss Enoch Powell?. 

However, I too would like to return to the days of wine and roses, but find trying to bring back the days of yore is a fruitless pastime.

Being angry and panicky because there are about 2.25% muslims in Australia, 4.6% in UK and 6% in the Netherlands to the point of talking about crusades and annihilation is unhealthy and rather sinister, hence the sieg heil bit.

To reiterate, the more responsible findings demonstrate that fear of a Muslim takeover is largely the product of hysteria.  France is not headed toward becoming an "Islamic republic" by 2048, as has been claimed, and Germany is not on its way to becoming a "Muslim state" by 2050.

Believe it or not.


PS   I’m alright, Jack – there are only 0.8% Muslims in the USA.

From: Malcolm 
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 11:21 AM
To: 'BitList' 
Subject: Re: [BITList] false alarm

John & Colin,


Every time any one says what I wrote, there is always ( Colin is the latest) some one has to bring what Hitler did to the Jews. Islamism is a complete different problem. They want to make the whole world follow their religion. The Jews have never wanted to do that. My family as far as I can tell is English & Scots. My father and thousands of other fathers died in the second war to keep the UK the same as he had known all is life. That is what I want. That is why I wrote what I did. Nazism has nothing to do with it.




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