[BITList] Arkansas school to arm teachers, staff

X50type x50type at cox.net
Wed Jul 31 04:03:47 BST 2013


People having fun!

I do hope, but doubt, if the class these teachers, etc. took and hopefully passed on gun control stressed the enormous responsibility and probable life-changing consequences of actually pulling the trigger in a class room scenario - or any confrontational scenario for that matter.
As you know when some one is shot, whether by accident or intentionally and whether they are killed or not a whole world of very unpleasant things happens to the shooter. Somehow the law will become involved, criminally or civilly, lawyers of various ilks descend and money in the form of fees is quickly needed.
Shooting some one accidentally or intentionally usually leads to at a minimum bankruptcy plus years spent in prison awaiting trial - all depending on the shooters circumstances. Sentencing offenders found guilty ranges from a couple of years to life and even a sentence of death.
I find it highly unlikely that an armed teacher would have the nerves and skill to shoot and take out a dedicated intruder; bullets may fly but with school kids hither and thither who knows what the result could be.
Should a child be shot accidentally by the teacher, at a minimum, the teacher would be sued for everything the teacher possesses and more. I am sure the school board will not indemnify teachers against wrongful death suits. What will be the schools situation if the teacher is injured or killed?
Frankly, i am surprised if this goes into effect based upon liability insurance costs.

Incidentally, last week in New Orleans a Zimmerman-type shooting took place. A black youth was seen to be in a house owner's yard, the house owner, apparently without further ado, shot and killed the unarmed youth with one shot.
The police immediately arrested the house owner and he sat in jail until he could come up with the bail money. This means he could not go to work - ergo no income. One supposes he will have to pay lawyers to defend him [because he is a house owner he clearly has some asset so the state will not pay for his lawyers], a defense lawyer will want at least $10,000 cash up front.
If there is a trial it will be in 2 to 3 years time and could easily cost every cent the shooter has - meaning he will be destitute even if he is found not guilty. If found guilty he will be facing years in prison. In the meantime the family home has gone to pay defense lawyers fees and he will have no income to support his wife and kids!
The house-owner could have simply shouted at the youth and called the police, but having a gun handy he took a decision that will prove life-changing and disastrous.

i suspect most gun buyers have 'protection' on their minds when they go into the gun shop but never think of what the possession of a gun can lead to, nor do they have much idea of what terrible injuries to the soft human body a bullet traveling at over 1000 feet per second can do - and how easy it is to pull the trigger.


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On Jul 30, 2013, at 10:28 AM, "HUGH" <chakdara at btinternet.com> wrote:

> Colin,
> Just plain wholesome people having fun. If a few innocents get shot, why, that's the price of keeping people safe from people with loaded guns.
> Hugh.
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