[BITList] Shock ‘n’ roll… radio DJs Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity dropped after ad boycott - Americas - World - The Independent

M.j. Feltham ismay at mjfeltham.plus.com
Tue Jul 30 21:52:10 BST 2013


You say why should people believe the shit they spout.  Years ago they used to believe Reagan when he used to say that Texas is less than two days bus drive away from a Commie country, i.e. Nicaragua.  In other words be prepared to repel boarders !

On 30 Jul 2013, at 18:03, x50type <x50type at cox.net> wrote:

> Mike
> Hopefully, but not quite, but it certainly is a move I applaud.
> These 2 should be shot at dawn. all they do is pander to the crazy white supremacist element in the US [all republicans of course] and spout shit.
> I am at a loss to explain how whites here in the US follow these two [fear and total ignorance]. Limbaugh is so powerful as to have been described as the leader of the republican party yet neither have any responsibility. Their simple message is the government is taking over and blacks are out to get your wife and daughter.
> hannity is just a clown. never the less both make millions by stirring up and scarring the shit out of the middle class, middle of america whites. [rather like Frank loves to do on this list ].
> it will be interesting to see next year what traction these whites have in the mid-term elections. they hate Hispanics, women, blacks, blue collar workers, unions and lgbt’s but they do have one big thing going for them – very big bucks [MONEY], funded by the likes of the multi-billionaire Koch brothers[for reasons un-clear to me, pronounce ‘coke’] – and as I have mentioned before, money is everything in politics.
> I have just ordered from Amazon -- This Town: Two Parties and a Funeral-Plus, Plenty of Valet Parking!-in America's Gilded Capital 
> Leibovich, Mark; Hardcover, about Washington DC. A town where politicians arrive, get sucked into the good life, forget their promises and constituents, make millions and never leave. That’s how well it pays. More than 50% of politicians go on to make even more money as lobbyists. Last year $3.3 billion was spent on lobbying and there were 12411 registered lobbyists. This money is spread over 435 congress men and 100 senators so if my maths is correct that works out to be $6.168,000 each or over half a million per politician per month! Their pay is $174,000 p.a.

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