[BITList] Anzac Day

FA franka at iinet.net.au
Mon Jan 28 09:56:54 GMT 2013

If true, this is obscene, and knowing this mob, why wouldn't it be?

        */Anzac Day/*

        /*/It cost the Federal Gov. $500,000 to find out how to best
        celebrate 100/**/
        /**/years of the Gallipoli landing and this is what the
        dickheads came up with/**/
        /**/that we would upset some people in the community by
        celebrating Anzac Day/**/
        /**/(you know who they meant).  My God, we have Japanese and
        Germans march on/**/
        /**/Anzac Day, a day to commemorate their mates who did not
        return.  Now are you/**/
        /**/ready for this?.....The Federal Gov. is now going to throw
        another $100,000/**/
        /**/to someone to find out WHY it was suggested we tone down
        Anzac Day. What a/**/
        /**/bunch of commie bastards that govern our country/**/
        /**/What the Hell is this bullshit about 'toning down' ANZAC day
        because it may/**/
        /**/offend immigrants in Australia?/**//**/

        /**/What an absolute crock of shit!/**//**/

        /**/This is Australia because all our forefathers fought for

        /**/This is one special day that 'we' proud Aussie's Pay our
        respects to the/**/
        /**/many heroes lost fighting for our freedom and OUR!

        /**/So who cares if some  DAMN ILLEGAL immigrant that's funded
        by OUR taxes/**/
        /**/gets offended because of tribute we rightfully pay to OUR

        /**/If you're a proud Aussie/*//*/too please send this on just
        to remind them who's/**/
        /**/country they're in!!/*


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