[BITList] FW: gas light

HUGH chakdara at btinternet.com
Wed Jan 23 14:27:53 GMT 2013


Your message reminds me of a long forgotten fact. The building we lived in between 1938 and 1946 had, as I said, gas lighting and no electricity at all, but great aunt Maggie listened to the Relay, and her speaker is up in the loft - I used to plug it into small radios for better sound. Also, I suddenly wondered how the neighbours, whose radios we could hear at night (we didn't have a radio), could listen to the radio. Answer: the Relay, with accumulators charged at Sangster's or Dixon's. Not until Dad came home after the war did we have a radio - a big Sobell.  Another bit of the past cleared up.

We've had two snowfalls here in the past two days, total about 1cm.  Nothing at all from river level to about 300 feet.

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