[BITList] Fw: The Truth of The Opium Wars in China

John Davison davison.g at xtra.co.nz
Sat Aug 31 02:37:11 BST 2013




The Opium Wars  Jews Created Opium Trade - Hong Kong and the Sassoon Opium Wars 
>>>The 99 year British lease on Hong Kong expired in July allowing the Red Chinese to take over. Hundreds of newspaper stories and TV reports have covered this event but not one revealed how England first gained control of Hong Kong! The truth lies buried in the family line of David Sassoon, "The Rothschilds of The Far East," and their monopoly over the opium trade. Britain won Hong Kong by launching the opium Wars to give the Sassoon exclusive rights to drug an entire nation! 
>>>Hong Kong Founded as Sassoon Drug Center 
>>>David Sassoon was born in Baghdad, Iraqn in 1792. His father, Saleh Sassoon, was a wealthy banker and the treasurer to Ahmet Pasha, the governor of Baghdad. (Thus making him the "court Jew" - a highly influential position.) In 1829 Ahmet was overthrown due to corruption and the Sassoon family fled to Bombay, India. This was the strategic trade route to interior India and the gateway to the Far East. In a brief time the British government granted Sassoon "monopoly rights" to all manufacture of cotton goods, silk and most important of all - Opium - then the most addictive drug in the world! 
>>>The Beginning of the Opium Trade 
>>>In the beginning, David Sassoon wanted to trade cotton cloth with China in exchange for tea, but the Chinese did not want the cotton that Sassoon wanted to trade. They were, however, willing to trade tea for silver. However, Sassoon considered that the Chinese might be susceptible to opium. With this knowledge Sassoon sailed back to India and then England to sell what little tea he had, and to make a new proposition. 
>>>Britain had an insatiable appetite for Chinese tea, but the Qing Dynasty and its subjects did not want to buy anything that the British produced. The government of Queen Victoria did not want to use up the county’s reserves of gold or silver in buying tea, so, on the advice of David Sassoon, she decided to forcibly export opium from the Indian Subcontinent to China. The opium would then be exchanged for tea. 
>>>In order to boost the trade, David Sassoon forced the farmers in Bengali to stop farming food and turn to growing opium poppies. The climate in Bengali was very good for growing opium and Sassoon’s business flourished. He became a member of the East India Company, a firm owned and run by Jews out of the City of London. So successful was the opium business that the tax the East Indian Company paid to England paid for all English wars between 1831 and 1905. 
>>>Opium was a “Jewish Business” 
>>>The Jewish Encyclopedia of 1905, states that Sassoon expanded his opium trade into China and Japan. He placed his eight sons in charge of the various major opium exchanges in China.. 
>>>According to the 1944 Jewish Encyclopedia: "He employed only Jews in his business, and wherever he sent them he built synagogues and schools for them. He imported whole families of fellow Jews. . . and put them to work." 
>>>Sassoon's sons were busy pushing this mind-destroying drug in Canton, China and their trade expanded alarmingly. Between 1830 - 1831 they trafficked 18,956 chests of opium earning millions of dollars. Part of the profits went to Queen Victoria and the British government. In the year 1836 the trade increased to over 30,000 chests and drug addiction in coastal cities became endemic. 
>>>The entire trade was controlled by Jewish families only. Sassoon would not allow any other race to engage in “the Jew’s business” of importing and selling opium. Opium was strictly a Jewish monopoly. But these Jews were working under British passports. 
>>>And then the Opium Wars – Euphemistically called “The Boxer Rebellion” 
>>>China’s government, not too surprisingly, objected to the large-scale importation of narcotics into their country by a foreign power, provoking Britain to declare war. 
>>>In 1839, the Manchu Emperor ordered that it be stopped. He named the Commissioner of Canton, Lin Tse-hsu, to lead a campaign against opium. Lin seized 2,000 chests of Sassoon opium and threw it into the river. An outraged David Sassoon demanded that Great Britain retaliate. And because the Sassoon family had married into the Rothschild family who controlled the English economy, this demand had powerful Jewish backers in England. 
>>>Thus, the Opium Wars began with the British Army fighting as mercenaries of the Sassoon’s. They attacked cities and blockaded ports. The Chinese Army, decimated by 10 years of rampant opium addiction, proved no match for the British Army. The war ended in 1839 with the signing of "The Treaty of Nanking." This included provisions especially designed to guarantee the Sassoon the right to enslave an entire population with opium. The "peace treaty" included these provisions: 
>>>1) Full legalization of the opium trade in China, 
>>>2) compensation from the opium stockpiles confiscated by Lin of 2 million pounds, 
>>>3) territorial sovereignty for the British Crown over several designated offshore islands. 
>>>Sassoon's Use British Army to Drug an Entire Nation 
>>>British Prime Minister Palmerston wrote Crown Commissioner Captain Charles Elliot that the treaty didn't go far enough. He said it should have been rejected out of hand because: "After all, our naval power is so strong that we can tell the Emperor what we mean to hold rather than what he would cede.. We must demand the admission of opium into interior China as an article of lawful commerce and increase the indemnity payments and British access to several additional Chinese ports." 
>>>Thus, China not only had to pay Sassoon the cost of his dumped opium but reimburse England an unheard sum of 21 million pounds for the cost of the war! 
>>>This gave the Sassoon's monopoly rights to distribute opium in port cities.. However, even this was not good enough and Sassoon demanded the right to sell opium throughout the nation. The Manchus resisted and the British Army again attacked in the "Second Opium War fought 1858 - 1860. Palmerston declared that all of interior China must be open for uninterrupted opium traffic. 
>>>The British suffered a defeat at the Taku Forts in June 1859 when sailors, ordered to seize the forts, were run aground in the mud-choked harbor. Several hundred were killed or captured. An enraged Palmerston said: "We shall teach such a lesson to these perfidious hordes that the name of Europe will hereafter be a passport of fear." 
>>>The Destruction of the Yuan Ming Yuan 
>>>In October, the British besieged Peking. 
>>>When the city fell, British commander Lord Elgin, ordered the temples and other sacred shrines in the city sacked and burned to the ground as a show of Britain's absolute contempt for the Chinese. 
>>>In early October of 1860, the commanders of the British and French forces held a conference outside the gates of Perfect Brightness – the Yuan Ming Yuan. 
>>>It was situated on the western outskirt of Beijing, where they agreed to share what3ever they could loot and to destroy the balance. 
>>>As the primary residence of five Qing emperors, Yuan Ming Yuan contained hundreds of palaces, temples, libraries, theatres, pavilions, chapels, gazebos and galleries filled with priceless artworks, antiquities and personal possessions. 
>>>There followed an orgy of indiscriminate plunder in which anything that could not be carted off was destroyed. 
>>>On October 18, British forces were ordered by Lord Elgin – son of the Lord Elgin who removed the marble friezes from Greece’s Parthenon – to inflict a final blow, with fire, as revenge for the Chinese refusal to permit the importation of opium that was devastating their country, though ostensibly for the deaths of some British and Indian prisioins in Chinese captivity. 
>>>Because Yuna Ming Yuan was so vast – roughly five times the size of Beijing’s Forbidden City and eight times that of the Vatican City – it took an entire infantry division of nearly 4,500 men, including four British regiments and the 15the Punjabis, many weeks to set it aflame and finally render it to utter destruction. 
>>>Gilded beams crashed, porcelain roofs buckled and ash filled the lakes, as so many embers snowed on Beijing that the entire city seemed on fire, where and the clouds of smoke were so dense they eclipsed the sun. 
>>>Upon hearing the news, the ailing 30-year-old Xianfeng emperor vomited blood; less than a year later he was dead. 
>>>“It was a sacrifice of all that was most ancient and most beautiful,” acknowledged Robert McGhee, chaplain to the British forces and a participant in, and defender of, the destruction. “It is gone, but I do not know how to tear myself from it.” 
>>>Arguably the greatest concentration of historic treasures in the world, dating and representing a full 5,000 years of an ancient civilisation, were either looted or totally destroyed. And all of this was done to protect the exclusive opium concessions granted to the Jewish Sassoon of Britain and the revenue they generated for the crown. 
>>>God save the Queen, and God Bless “His Chosen People”. 
>>>The Yuan Ming Yuan is an unforgettable shame in the hearts of the Chinese people, and a reminder for the whole world that such destruction of human cultural heritage should not happen again. 
>>>The British and Jewish “Peace Treaties” and the Origin of British Hong Kong 
>>>In the new "Peace Treaty" of Oct.25, 1860 the Sassoon (backed by the force of the British military) were assigned rights to a vastly expanded opium trade covering seven-eights of China, which brought in over 20 million pounds in 1864 alone. In that year, the Sassoon imported 58,681 chest of opium and by 1880 it had skyrocketed to 105,508 chests, making the Sassoon the richest Jews in the world. 
>>>England was given the Hong Kong peninsula as a colony and large sections of Amoy, Canton, Foochow, Ningpo and Shanghai. 
>>>When Britain gave the Jewish Sassoon family the exclusive franchise to distribute opium in China, the family needed a base of operations for the importing, processing and distribution. Hong Kong was forcibly acquired solely for the Sassoon family’s opium business. 
>>>The Sassoon were now licensing opium dens in each British occupied area with large fees being collected by their Jewish agents. Sassoon would not allow any other race to engage in "the Jews' business." 
>>>And many of these Jewish agents were the Chinese Jews of Kaifeng. These Jews had immigrated to China along the Silk Road hundreds of years ago and had so intermarried with the Chinese that they looked entirely Chinese. But they still were practicing Jews and were thus the perfect Chinese agents for the Sassoon. 
>>>However, the British government would not allow any opium to be imported into Europe! 
>>>After the British established Hong Kong as a colony in the aftermaths of the Opium Wars, local merchants felt the need for a bank to finance the growing opium trade with China, so they established (by special permit from the British) the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation – HSBC. 
>>>The Sassoon destroyed everything they touched 
>>>Money for these people was only a tool for making more money, no matter the disasters wrought upon the Chinese – or indeed any other nation. 
>>>Sir Albert Sassoon, the eldest of David Sassoon's sons took over the family "business" empire. He constructed huge textile mills in Bombay that pay slave labor wages. This early example of the “off-shoring of industries” continued after World War One and ended up putting mills in Lancashire, England out of business with thousands losing their jobs to the cheap labour of the Sassoon in India. 
>>>This did not stop Queen Victoria from having Albert knighted in 1872. After all, the Sassoon could prosper only after they had subverted the governance of China, whereupon Britain empowered the Sassoon’s to destroy and impoverish the people, for the glory of the British Empire. 
>>>Solomon Sassoon moved to Hong Kong and ran the family business there until his death in 1894. Later, the entire family moved to England because with modern communications they could operate their financial empire from their luxurious estates in London. They socialized with royalty and Edward Albert. Sassoon married Aline Caroline de Rothschild in 1887 which linked their fortune with that of the Rothschilds. The Queen also had Edward knighted. 
>>>All 14 of the grandsons of David Sassoon were made officers during World War One and thus most were able to avoid combat. 
>>>The Ubiquitous American Connection… 
>>>In 1830 Warren Delano was a senior partner in Russell & Company. It was their merchant fleet which carried Sassoon's opium to China and returned with tea. 
>>>The reason Russell & Company were allowed to transport and trade in opium around Canton was that they were a Jewish company and did not interfere with the business of Sassoon’s East India Company. The market was large enough for both. Russell & Company got their opium from Afghanistan through a harbour in Turkey. 
>>>Delano said later he could not pretend to justify the opium trade on moral grounds, “but as a merchant I insist it has been…fair, honourable and legitimate”, and “no more objectionable than the importation of wines and spirits to the US.” 
>>>Warren Delano returned to America a rich man, moved to Newburgh, N.Y. and in 1851 his daughter Sara Married a well born neighbor, James Roosevelt - the father of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the American President. 
>>>Roosevelt’s fortune was inherited from his maternal grandfather Warren Delano. Roosvelt always knew the origin of the family fortune but refused to discuss it. 
>>>The Afternath: 
>>>Countless tens of millions of families were destroyed; fortunes lost, daughters prostituted, production collapsed, the economy crashed. The treasures and heritage of 5,000 years of a peaceful society ravaged by madness and destruction of the British and the Jews. The toll was unimaginable. The British Crown and the Jewish Sassoon conspired to turn an entire nation of people into drug addicts of the worst kind, solely to satisfy their greed and lust for power. 
>>>This drug trade totally eviscerated China’s social fabric, virtually destroying not only the country but families and all of society. And, by most estimates, the forcible imposition of opium on the Middle Kingdom by Britain, and the clever and brutal marketing by the Sassoon Jews, set back China’s development at least 75 years. 
>>>And, using their magical technique of putting all of the blame of their sins upon a scapegoat, to this day the Jews claim that the Opium Trade of China was the fault of the British East India Company simply because the Sassoon’s all had British passports. And to this day, many Chinese believe them. 
>>>Nowhere in British or Jewish history are the truths of this wantonly immoral family told. Instead, the Jewish books and encyclopaedias all praise the Sassoon for their “great contribution” to Indian society, without a mention of the God-forsaken criminality of these people. 
>>>Any resentment or malice that the Chinese might feel toward the British today, at least due to the imposition of opium, is partially misdirected. A fair share should be directed to these Jewish families. 
>>>The Sassoon opium trade brought death and destruction to millions and still plagues Asia to this day. Their company was totally operated by Jews ONLY! The corrupt British monarchy honored them with privilege and knighthood - to the disgrace of the Crown! To this day the Sassoons are in the history books as "great developers" of India but the source of their vast wealth is never mentioned! 
>>>Another gem from the desk of the Artful Dodger 
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