[BITList] Bedroom Tax

Michael Feltham ismay at mjfeltham.plus.com
Wed Aug 7 17:44:35 BST 2013

Unfortunately there are lots of people in the UK who didnt put money into a pension scheme, either through ignorance or saying to themselves that the State will look after them.

With this new regulation people are already into arrears with their rent, this stops them going onto the Housing list for a smaller house with less bedrooms.  A catch twenty two position.

One must always remember that the Govt. sai d we are all in this together and to clinch the deal they awarded themselves a 5% reduction in Income Tax.  Worth at least £40,000 to each member of the Cabinet, remember there are at least 29 millionaires in the Cabinet.

Everyone is not as fortunate as us, with company pensions !


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