[BITList] Fwd: We should tune in to the Romney and Ryan show - Telegraph

X50type x50type at cox.net
Tue Sep 4 08:43:16 BST 2012

The article seems to be lacking. Inhabitants of industrialized nations have, not unreasonably, come to expect to have a reasonable life. The author fails to appreciate two fundamentals, 
1  these citizens are going to get sick, have accidents and produce off spring.
. 2. These cCitizens are going to become too old to work.
Clearly costs are involved in health care and for folks who are too old to work.
The most economical method of paying for the these inevitable situations is for every one to chip in while they are working and can afford to contribute. The two systems must not make a profit, they are not businesses, they are services. This is something that Romney / Ryan refuse to accept.
The writer seems to think that it is inevitable that these services will become untenable in due course but this is not so - or does she think  that the govmintwill One day say, sorry folks we are no longer doing this, its too expensive so you are all going to die may be sooner than later...........it's just silly.
So as these services must be provided, the only thing to decide is how much as a percentage of GDP are folks willing to accept.
The more taxes are paid in, the more goodies you get. If folks don't want to pay so much in, it should be made clear they won't get so much out in the way of health care and pensions. However, there is a minimum standard below which life will be intolerable.
It is part of the Romney Ryan credo that everything is there to make a profit any way possible, this is driven by the super rich in the us bribing whom so ever to make it easier for  profits to be made- at any cost.
Read, "winner-take-all politics" how Washington made the rich richer and turned its back on the middle class, by Jacob s hacker and Paul Pierson. (I don't believe noblesse oblige had any place in the land of the free, home of the brave.)
It will be interesting to see in a couple of months if ordinary folks are willing to commit health care hari-kiri and fore go pensions down the line.


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On Sep 4, 2012, at 12:36 AM, "M.j. Feltham" <ismay at mjfeltham.plus.com> wrote:

> A thought provoking article.  But Janet Daley doesn't mention the US Medical profession and Insurance Companies who rob the public something awful !
> Mike
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/us-politics/9513687/We-should-tune-in-to-the-Romney-and-Ryan-show.html
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