[BITList] not by an Australian Dentist -- What An American Is

John Feltham wantok at me.com
Mon May 28 02:17:45 BST 2012

G'day folks,

On 28/05/2012, at 12:23 AM, x50type at cox.net wrote:

> Being rather inquisitive and doubtful [of the stuff along these lines Frank serves up, {he must frequent some outré sites to get it}] – I researched the article.
> the first red flag to its veracity is why would an Australian dentist waste his time composing such an ‘editorial’?
> why not an American lumber jack [say], or an American Idol fan?
> Surprise, surprise - turns out this is ‘stuff’ from a well known right wing nut  Peter Ferrara, [its from 11 years ago] and not from an Australian dentist at all [disappointed?].....................!
> it falls into the ‘glowing and warmly enthusiastic praise’  category – commonly known as American bullshit.

As I say, often, if it sounds too outlandish or too good to be true, then all is revealed on http://www.snopes.com


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