[BITList] staff Pictures

franka franka at iinet.net.au
Sat May 26 01:35:51 BST 2012

think at times it is also very frustrating to have to sit at a desk run 
projects and have people do a lousy job when with the same amount of 
time and effort they could have done the job right. I used to tell my 
people that if they only did one job a day and did it properly that was 
30 jobs a month and with 4 of us following the same procedure then the 
plant would run like clockwork it took two years to arrive at the ideal 
situation after 14 years of neglect but once we got it up to scratch it 
was easy to keep it there and the other departments started to work 
along the same lines

On 5/26/2012 7:34 AM, HUGH wrote:
> Frank,
> Indeed, "why" should have been "who".  Now and again I get p-ed off by 
> the media image of "work" as something carried out by people with nice 
> job titles and desks.  Or maybe that's what work is nowadays - which 
> would explain the shit we are all in.
> Hugh.
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