franka franka at iinet.net.au
Mon Jul 23 01:50:26 BST 2012

Pause for thought? Personally think Tony Abbot is the best friend Labor has

    *When your family, friends or associates cannot explain why they
    voted Labor, give them this list. Then they can then pick a reason
    from this "TOP 12".*

    *1.****I voted Labor because I love the fact that I can now marry
    whomsoever and whatever I want. I've decided to marry my German
    Shepherd dog.*

    *2.****I voted Labor because I believe the oil companies' profits of
    4% on petrol is obscene, but the government taxing the same fuel at
    35% isn't. The double whammy of 10% GST after that is only fair. The
    Government must have the money for welfare and anything to stop the
    use of motor vehicles is laudable.*

    *3.****I voted Labor because I believe the government will do a
    better job of spending the money I earn than I would. The Carbon
    Tax, pink batts in every roof (to save the world), the Education
    revolution, the NBN, money to the IMF and the EU, helping
    unfortunate Islamic refugees (who always have no papers or
    passports) into the privileges of the Australian welfare system,
    running a fair Justice system (without favour) and giving the Trade
    Unions a fair go - against rich, foreign owned, greedy and
    domineering Companies. These are all sound policies to redistribute
    wealth fairly and empower those not yet on full entitlements.*

    *4.****I voted Labor because Freedom of Speech is fine as long as
    nobody is offended by it. Political correctness must overcome the
    racists who dislike illegal immigrants, angry mobs, global warming
    deniers and other right wing extremists.*

    *5.****I voted Labor because I'm way too silly and irresponsible to
    own a gun, (and certainly not allowed by Australian law), and I know
    that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers,
    thugs and thieves.*

    *6.****I voted Labor because I believe that people who can't tell us
    if it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will
    melt away in ten years if I don't start driving a Prius.  I believe
    that it will never rain properly again, that Global warming will
    kill us all unless we stop using fossil fuels. I am terrified of the
    prospect of the sea levels being 30 metres higher in 20 years. Tim
    Flannery is my idea of a new generation man. Always accurate and
    honest -- just like our PM.*

    *7.****I voted Labor because I'm not concerned about millions of
    babies being aborted so long as we keep all convicted criminals alive.*

    *8.****I voted Labor because I think illegal aliens have a right to
    free health care, education, and social security benefits, and we
    should take the social security away from those who have spent a
    lifetime paying into it.*

    *9.****I voted Labor because I believe that businesses should not be
    allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and
    give the rest away to the government for redistribution as the
    Greens see fit.*

    *10..****I voted Labor because I believe Left Wing and Green judges
    need to rewrite the Australian Constitution and regulatory law books
    every few days to suit some fringe weirdos who would never be able
    to get their agendas past the voters.*

    *11..****I voted Labor because I think that it's better to pay
    billions for oil and petrol to people who really hate us, but not to
    drill more of our own because it might upset some endangered beetle,
    turtle or fish.*

    *12..****I voted Labor because my head is so firmly planted up my
    rear end that it is totally unlikely that I will ever be able to
    entertain another point of view*


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