[BITList] The Conundrum

franka franka at iinet.net.au
Fri Jul 6 03:08:50 BST 2012

    I don't get into the refugee problem,but this person does make you think

    *The Conundrum ...........what's the difference?**If someone was
    assaulting you and you defended yourself causing the death of the
    person assaulting you, chances are you'd rightly use the defence of
    'self defence'.  However, if you went home and returned to the scene
    with a weapon and killed the person who assaulted you......It's
    almost a foregone conclusion, you'd probably be charged with murder.

    Now let's take the case of the so called /'poor refugees'.
    According to my 'Oxford Dictionary' a refugee is someone who
    /'Escaped to a foreign country from religious or political
    Lets take the case of a Muslim escaping from/'where-/ever'.  They
    enter Indonesia  legally /(they are now in a country where their
    religion is widely practiced)./  They have escaped from their own
    country and are now in a country where they are not being hounded
    for their political or religious beliefs............ They're home,
      they are refugees living in Indonesia.

    They decide to leave the sanctuary of Indonesia /(remember they are
    refugees and they entered Indonesia legally/).  They destroy all
    their papers, pay big money to jump on a boat and come to the 'lucky
    country /AUSTRALIA'/ without any papers; upon arrival in Australia
    they receive all sorts of handouts from the government and if the
    paint in the refugee camps not the right colour, they can get some
    smart lawyer (on legal aid) to sue the government on their behalf
    because the colour is effecting their eyesight.
    *But hang on a minute, what are they escaping from, they are in
    Indonesia.  No one is persecuting them for their religion, no one is
    persecuting them for their political beliefs; they are safe; why
    would they want to run away from a country that practices their
    beliefs?  Why would they want to go to a country that practices
    Christian beliefs when they don't want to have anything  to do with it?

    My gut feeling is: The moment those people step on the boats in
    Indonesia, they have chosen to /'throw their refugee status
    away'/(they were/are safe in that country).  They also chose to
    break Indonesia's immigration laws by not filling departure forms in
    (you and I have to).  I'd like to know why, upon arrival in
    Australia, are those 'so-called-refugees' /not charged /with
    being//*/'ILLEGAL Immigrants and/*thrown on the first available
    flight out of the country.  Remember they 'were' refugees whilst
    they were in Indonesia, they then chose to get rid of their papers;
    they chose to leave the country that had given them shelter; they
    chose to pay someone to transport them to Australia; they chose to
    get on a boat.

    But above all they chose to leave the country that gave them
    sanctuary 'INDONESIA'.
    *Why is it, honest hard working Australians have to pay taxes to
    keep those illegal immigrants /(not refugees)/ in comfort while some
    do-gooder lawyer makes money out of the situation by trying to sue
    the government, to get more money for those 'illegals' who shouldn't
    be in this country in the first place.


  * Unknown - detected
  * English

  * English

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