[BITList] US Health

M.j. Feltham ismay at mjfeltham.plus.com
Mon Jul 2 08:25:35 BST 2012


Maybe American Politicians are more equal than others, i.e. they don't get sick or most likely the Govt. pays for their Medical care 

On 2 Jul 2012, at 08:14, X50type wrote:

> Interviewed on Sunday tv "fox news sunday", the leader of senate republicans Mitch (the chinless wonder) McConnell stated that his party has no interest or concern to provide health care for all US citizens if elected in November, its not the job of the government to make health care affordable to all. If individuals and families can afford health insurance - all well and good. If folks can't pay for health insurance they just have to suffer the consequences. When Chris Wallace pointed out the leading factor in folks declaring bankruptcy was hospital and doctors bills, McConnell said it would probably not happen  if they had health insurance!!
> And yet - amazingly enough, there are folks who will side with McConnell and vote against all US citizens having affordable health care!
> I can only assume they have no pre-conditions, have children who never get sick and have aging parents who are unbelievably healthy but will die suddenly without the need for medical attention, and can afford to pay $1200 per month for a family of four, and don't mind their deductible increasing and their coverage decreasing yearly.......
> Sent from my iPad3
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