[BITList] Fwd: BI Reunion in 2014

Michael Feltham ismay at mjfeltham.plus.com
Mon Jan 23 17:41:17 GMT 2012

After hearing from Sue and John Spence that they were standing down and not organising any more Reunions after this 2012 Reunion.

I would like to put my name forward to organise a Reunion, in 2014, in Liverpool.  This would be the usual format, from Friday evening to Sunday Lunch, 10th. to 12th.October, 2014.

I have been fortunate in that James Slater and David Mitchell have volunteered to assist me, they are visiting Liverpool next month, for a Recce.

Sue and John have agreed to hand over the DataBase of addresses etc and Email addresses, after October's Reunion.

Liverpool has a lot to offer from a 1903 coal fired SteamTug/Tender being restored, many Museums, great people and retail therapy with the Three Graces as a backdrop against the Mersey.  In 2014 it is the turn of the NORTH !


Mike Feltham

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