[BITList] the urban legend - Target Stores - What a surprise

s14engine s14engine at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 7 14:24:21 GMT 2011

aha, so a company – Dayton Dry Goods that started in Minneapolis is 1902 and expanded all over the US is a figment of the imagination?
and I bet you knew that Wal-Mart wasn’t started in Arkansas by Sam Walton but was actually started in Bavaria by Werner von Walmarstein in 1947. 
do you know I read online that their HQ in Bentonville, Arkansas is actually a computer generated virtual building [saves money that way] – what will they think of next?
be that as it may – BIT listers, do me a favour and when folks sends you any email revelation in a very large font, some of it in red and bold – don’t pass it on to me, but treasure it your selves.
thanks so much
colin t
PS I suppose you know that mr and mrs obama are not invited to the royal wedding because he didn’t bow properly to the queen and mrs. obama touched her royal person when they met? – sure it’s true, I read it online.
PPS dave fyi - I also sent this to frank in response to the mischievous anti-muslim missive about the proposed muslim community center in manhattan, perhaps you missed it :-


further to the nutty idea v a v the anti-mosque details.

apparently the “bury-the-piglet” is an urban legend which first saw the light of day in Transylvania at the time of Vlad the Impaler
be that as it may – I am led to believe the pollution by pig can be rectified fairly easily.

a certified road-kill operative removes the offending pig.

a seventh dan shaick of exceptional holiness then sprinkles holy sand on the area, turns towards mecca and invokes 3 times - تنظيف هذه الأرض
there is the usual acknowledging flash of lightening – and lo, the ground is cleansed and is pure once again.

in fact, this particular plot is now purer than it was before - and has a higher Cr [Coefficient of Religion] than before.

consequently, the new building will be more mosque-ier than it would have been without the burial burlesque. 


From: David Harvey 
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2011 2:37 AM
To: BitList ; franka at iinet.net.au 
Subject: Re: [BITList] Target Stores - What a surprise

Not true, check Snopes

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