[BITList] drill baby drill

CT's x50type at cox.net
Sat Feb 5 20:04:03 GMT 2011

?apparently all the oil rigs did not flee the gulf od mexico as was predicted following the drilling moratorium ....................
there are plenty still here.
this reply is in response to cries of drill baby drill......................


PS  agree completely with the tee-shirt

Dude, when I first moved here years ago, I saw a shirt in the Quarter: Welcome to Stupidville. I swear to God this city houses more ignorance than the entire State of Mississippi. I apologize for some of my fellow NOLA neighbors. They can be stupid... indeed. 

Some people can only focus on the 'here and now'. They forget that the decisions made today, have effect upon tomorrow. They have no idea why we should change our thinking to include a modicum of consideration for not only our environment, but our next generation's future generation's environment. 

No, let's put Johnny's oil rig paycheck in front of Johnny's great great grandson's ability to breathe and eat food grown from the ground. 

Let's continue to embrace oil dependence so that our national security is jeopardized by our reliance upon alliances whose continued motivation is our ability to protect them while they bleed us dry... because of oil. 

We can learn so much from the study of the environmental impact of oil after another 3 episodes of The Deepwater Horizon Explodes... We can finally get the answer to the question... "Can the life in the Gulf of Mexico REALLY be destroyed?" 

We can continue to burn nasty garbage into the air courtesy of the exhaust in our gas suckers... err sometimes guzzlers... our cars so that air quality alerts can be posted. These let people know whether or not it is safe to breathe.

Great idea huh?

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