[BITList] Young Arab

FS franka at iinet.net.au
Wed Nov 17 04:58:45 GMT 2010

    * A young Arab asks   his father:****
    * What is this weird hat that we are wearing ?*
    * It's a "chechia" because in the desert it protects our heads from
    the sun !*
    * And what is this type of clothing that we are wearing ?*
    * It's a "djbellah" because in the desert it is very hot and it
    protects your body !*
    * And what are these ugly shoes that we have on our feet ?*
    * These are "babouches", which keep us from burning our feet when in
    the desert !*
    * Tell me, papa...*
    * Yes, my son ?*
    * Why are we living in Footscray and still wearing all this shit ?**



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