[BITList] dickens

HUGH chakdara at btinternet.com
Sat Jun 5 21:03:39 BST 2010


The workers have allowed a climate of authoritarianism to flourish. It should have been tramped on the first time it raised its head.  Such attitudes are common in commercial firms and commercial departments.  In the 80s it was my turn to be Chair of the Office Committee in Kincaids, Greenock, representing the entire office staff - technical, commercial and others. One day I was approached by a young lady from the wages dept with a problem - her boss was the problem.  I agreed she had a case, and  I said I'd go and see him with her.  She nearly wet herself, and not with mirth.  She reckoned I should fix it without involving her or annoying her boss.  After a short discussion she withdrew her complaint.  Of her fellow ladies, a forthright typist in the Drawing Office said, "If they were effing told they would be taken out and shot at 2 o'clock, they'd effing well ask them to make it 3, since they had a rush job on."

I recall 84 hours a week, night work fiver, with nary a penny of OT, but that's different. Isn't it?


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