[BITList] expats

FS franka at iinet.net.au
Wed Jan 13 06:24:09 GMT 2010

I know the americans are pretty hard to work with but then arnt we all 
its been my experience that untill someone has spent at lest 5 years 
wandering around the world till the point of being stateless is reached, 
that most nationality's are pretty hard to put up with when they first 
arrive out from their home countries, but most once they have had the 
corners rubbed off settle in ok, its a different story though when they 
are in the majority in a limited space I have on occasions found myself 
as the only non american with a crew of our southern friends, even then 
though one is finally excepted, never reaching the inner circle but non 
the less respected.
when working out of the states I found them some of the most hospitable 
people in the world on their home territory whereas the french I found 
hard to work with both abroad and on their home territory.
 From being a person growing up in wartime england and learning to make 
do and repair everything to the nth degree the yanks taught me to think 
big which was ok when it was their money I was spending but didn't carry 
over to well when applied to ones personal finances so while spending 
millions at work was ok telling the local garage that you didnt care 
what it cost just fix it was not such a great idea

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